Bob’s Trails, Trees, & Gardens

Aspire Trail Opening Spring 2023

July 7, 2022 – The Aspire Trail Green Trail Project is a Shared Use trail for beginning trail users. The trail is approximately 0.08 mile long and connects to a number of other Aspire Park trails. It is designed to have gentle grades and level sections making it easier to walk or learn to ride a mountain bike.

This project by Bob's Trails is a combination of machine building and hand finishing. A mini-excavator was used to make the first cut for the trail. Lots of dirt was removed as the trail was prepared for hand finishing. Members of the Clinch Valley Trail Alliance (CVTA) helped with the hand finishing using trail tools on a club work day in March 2022. Considering all the work they accomplished, Bob's Trails made a contribution to CVTA. Doug Bataille helped Bob hand finish the remainder of the Trail around the first part of April.

Two trail bridges are needed to complete the trail. They will be constructed before Aspire Park is opened in Spring 2023. Aspire Park is being developed by private funding from the Hollingsworth Company Foundation.

Clinch Valley Trail Alliance
Clinch Valley Trail Alliance (CVTA)
Clinch Valley Trail Alliance
Clinch Valley Trail Alliance (CVTA)
Clinch Valley Trail Alliance
Clinch Valley Trail Alliance (CVTA)
Clinch Valley Trail Alliance
Clinch Valley Trail Alliance (CVTA)